Equipment Finance

Equipment Finance

We are one of Australia’s most experienced transport and plant equipment finance experts

Our combined experience of over 60 years has given us an in-depth understanding of businesses equipment financing needs.

We finance cranes, bulldozers, forklifts, tractors, skip bins, manufacturing equipment, computers, telephone/radio systems.

If you need Commercial Hire Purchase, Finance Lease, Rental/Operating Lease or Chattel Mortgage ring S3F – we can put together an application over the phone and usually get an answer within 24 hours.

Private Sale transactions are catered for with conditions applying.

Sale and Hire back of equipment is subject to the equipment being purchased within 3 months and strict proof of purchase conditions apply.

Chattel Mortgage

Chattel Mortgage is the appropriate product for companies or business people needing to purchase a motor vehicle or other equipment whilst retaining ownership. The financier secures the loan by registering a charge over the goods.

Suitable For:

  • Anyone wishing to purchase goods that are for mostly business use.
  • Motor vehicles, trucks, industrial plant and equipment, earthmoving machinery, professional equipment.


  • No initial cash outlay necessary.
  • The goods themselves act as security, so your other assets are not tied up.
  • A balloon payment at the end of the term can be arranged to reduce the regular repayment amounts.
  • Flexible terms are available.
  • Depreciation and interest may be tax deductible.
  • Normally input tax credit on the total cost of the goods is claimed back on the first BAS Statement


  • Term 1 – 5 years
  • Fixed interest rates
  • Flexible repayments and methods available

Finance Lease

Finance Lease means that the financier purchases the equipment and allows you to use it for a specified period of time while you make regular rental payments. At the end of the lease you can;

  • return the equipment to the financier,
  • refinance the residual amount,
  • pay out the contract in full, or
  • offer to purchase the equipment.

Suitable For:

  • Anyone who wants to use the equipment but may not want to keep it once the term of the lease is over.
  • Motor vehicles, trucks, industrial plant and equipment, earthmoving machinery, professional equipment.


  • You can negotiate the repayments & schedule to suit your needs and circumstances.
  • The residual value is calculated as a percentage of the purchase price and reflects the future value of equipment as set to government depreciation guidelines.
  • Flexible terms are available which means you can state exactly how long you will need the equipment.
  • Rental payments may be tax deductible.


  • Term 1 – 5 years
  • Pre-approved bulk credit limits
  • Master loan documentation
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Flexible repayments and methods available

Novated Lease

Many employment contracts now include a car as part of the package.

With a novated lease, the employee actually chooses the car and leases it from the financier. The employer then novates the lease from the employee and basically takes over the responsibility of making the rental payments.

Suitable For:

  • Businesses that have employees who spend a reasonable amount of time on the road or who want a car as part of their employment package.

Benefits For Employer:

  • This structure gives you the ability to provide a car for an employee without having to show it on the balance sheet.
  • If the employee leaves, the car and the lease go with the employee.
  • Fixed Interest Rates

Benefits For Employee:

  • You choose the car you want and use it without having to make the repayments.
  • If you change jobs, the car and the lease change with you.


  • Term 1 – 5 years
  • Fixed Interest rate
  • Flexible repayments and methods available


Rental means that the financier purchases the equipment and allows you to use it for a specified period of time while you make regular rental payments.

At the end of the contract, you can offer to purchase the equipment for $1.00.

This product differs from a finance lease because it allows the asset to be treated as an expense and financed off the balance sheet while you use it.

Suitable For:

Anyone who wants to use the equipment but may not want to keep it once the term of the contract is over, particularly the hospitality industry that need to update their equipment frequently.

Rental is most suitable for products that are rapidly advancing such as gaming machines, electronic equipment, computers, telephone systems, photocopiers, fax machines, etc.


  • No deposit necessary.
  • Goods can be returned at end of contract for no cost and replaced by new equipment.
  • Flexible terms are available which means you can state exactly how long you will need the equipment.
  • Rental payments may be tax deductible.


  • Term 1 – 3 years for gaming related equipment and computer equipment  
  • Term 1 – 5 years for general equipment  
  • Fixed Interest rate

We can help you finance




Skip Bins

Manufacturing Equipment


Telephone and Radio Systems



There are many benefits for you and your business by financing your equipment including:

Equipment financing helps businesses to manage their cash flow by having consistent payments. You are able to budget your income and expenses, making sure that you are able to meet the payments you need while also having the money you need to run your business.

By financing your equipment, you are able to get the best equipment available, helping you to gain a competitive advantage and keep on top of rapid changes within industries. This is perfect even for start-ups or small businesses who usually cannot afford the newest model or release of their equipment.

Equipment finance helps your business to grow. You are able to have greater flexibility both for you personally and for your business through freeing up cash flow and your time as well as the opportunity to add more equipment to your business as you need it.

We have a team of highly qualified financial advisors ready to provide you with the equipment finance advice that you need. With 60 years of combined experience, we can assist you in growing your business.

For more information on how we can help you, get in contact with our team today!

To discuss your equipment finance options

contact us on (02) 8745 8847 or, or fill in this online form.

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